Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Customer 360
  3. Getting Started
  4. Adding Records
  5. Working with Draft Records
  6. Finding Records
  7. Editing Records
  8. Managing Record Versions
  9. Importing Bulk Data
  10. Viewing Tasks
  11. Participating in Review Processes
  12. Managing Tasks
  13. Resolving Duplicates
  14. Investigating Data Changes
  15. Investigating Relationships
  16. Creating Customer Profiles on the Customer Portal

Task Panel

Task Panel

The task panel lists tasks based on the quick filter, custom filters, and search term. You can only view the task panel in the Details View.
When you open the Task Manager from the navigation bar, the task panel displays the tasks filtered by the first quick filter. When you open a task from the task inbox of the
page, the task panel displays only the details of the selected task.
The following table lists the details that the task panel can display:
Task Detail
Task Title
A link that displays a short description of the review task. To review the record and take action on the task, click the task title. The task opens in the Task Manager and displays the associated record in the review panel. If your role permits it, you can edit the record from this view before taking action on the task.
Name of a people activity within the process.
Priority of the task. The task priority can be Low, Normal, or High. When generating tasks, the review process assigns the same priority to all tasks of the same type.
Task Status and Due Date
Status of the task and the date the task is due.
Status of the task can be Open or Closed. When the task status is Open, you can view the record associated with the task.
The review process calculates a default due date based on the task creation date plus a predefined time period.
The due date of each task is prefixed with one of the following colored dots:
  • Green. Indicates that the task is not overdue.
  • Red. Indicates that the task is overdue.
  • Amber. Indicates that the task will be overdue in the next 24 hours.
Name of the signed-in user.
Instance ID of the review process that generated the task.
Submitted Date and Creator
Name of the user who created the task, and the date on which the user created the task.
If you require different task details, contact your MDM administrator. The MDM administrator can update the application to display the relevant task details.


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