| Description
Item Type
| Read-only. Already specified.
Display name
| Name of this base object as it will be displayed in the Hub Console.
Physical name
| Actual name of the table in the database. Informatica MDM Hub will suggest a physical name for the table based on the display name that you enter.
Data tablespace
| Name of the data tablespace. For more information, see the
Multidomain MDM Installation Guide .
Index tablespace
| Name of the index tablespace. For more information, see the
Multidomain MDM Installation Guide .
| Description of this base object.
Entity Base Object 1
| Entity base object to be linked through this relationship base object.
Display name
| Name of the column that is a FK to the entity base object 1.
Physical name
| Actual name of the column in the database. Informatica MDM Hub will suggest a physical name for the column based on the display name that you enter.
Entity Base Object 2
| Entity base object to be linked through this relationship base object.
Display name
| Name of the column that is a FK to the entity base object 2.
Physical name
| Actual name of the column in the database. Informatica MDM Hub will suggest a physical name for the column based on the display name that you enter.
Hierarchy FK Column
| Column used as the foreign key for the hierarchy; can be either ROWID or CODE.
The ability to choose a BO Class CODE column reduces the complexity by allowing you to define the foreign key relationship based on a predefined code, rather than the Informatica MDM Hub generated ROWID.
Hierarchy FK Display Name
| Name of this FK column as it will be displayed in the Hub Console
Hierarchy FK Physical Name
| Actual name of the hierarchy foreign key column in the table. Informatica MDM Hub will suggest a physical name for the column based on the display name that you enter.
Rel Type FK Column
| Column used as the foreign key for the relationship; can be either ROWID or CODE.
Rel Type Display Name
| Name of the column that is used to store the Rel Type CODE or ROWID.
Rel Type Physical Name
| Actual name of the relationship type FK column in the table. Informatica MDM Hub will suggest a physical name for the column based on the display name that you enter.