External providers provide web services for cleansing, analysis, and transformation of business entity data. You can use the external web services for custom validation, such as checking if the address field is empty when you add a business entity. You can use the external web services to apply custom logic when you transform business entity data. For example, when you merge two business entity records, you can merge addresses, but you cannot merge telephone numbers.
You can configure calls to the external web services for certain steps in the business entity execution logic. You must configure the business entities and the events for which you want to call an external service. You must configure external calls as extensions to business entity services. Use the XML Schema Definition (XSD) for the external web services to get the request and response types. An external web service operation must use the request and response types for the input and output elements. Based on the logic you implement, requests go to the external services for analysis or transformation of business entity data.
Use the sample WSDL file in the Resource Kit to understand the external services, operations, methods, and the data types that the service methods exchange. The sample
file for the external web services is in the following location: