Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.4
- All Products
| Description
| Name of the JDBC data source. Set the name to
MDM Master Data Source .
| JNDI path to where the JDBC data source will be bound. Specify
jdbc/siperian-cmx_system-ds .
Database Type
| Database type that you want to connect to.
Oracle .Select
MS SQL Server . |
Database Driver
| JDBC driver that you want to use to connect to the database.
Oracle driver (Thin XA) .Select
MS SQL Server Driver (Type 4 XA) Versions: 2005 or later . |
| Description
Database Name
| Name of the database you want to connect to.
Host Name
| DNS name or IP address of the server that hosts the database. To deploy the MDM Hub application on a WebLogic port other than 7001, set the host name and the IP address of the WebLogic host. Do not use localhost.
| Port on which the database server listens for connection requests.
Database User Name
| Database user name that you want to use for each connection in the data source.
| Password of the database user account.
Confirm Password
| Password of the database user account.