Human Tasks is an extension to WS-BPEL 2.0 that includes human workflow activities within a BPEL process. In a BPEL process, a People activity "invokes" a person to handle and complete a task. Similar to the behavior of an invoke activity, the person returns output data to the process. The task input and output data is sent and received from Process Central (or via the WS-Human Task Web Service). Additionally, users can receive notifications, which contain only an input variable.
Viewing Human Task Information
From the Active Processes page, you can select a process to open the Active Process Detail page. In this page, select a People Activity from the graph or Outline view. The following illustration shows the properties for a People Activity that contains a task.
In this view you can select:
Local Reference or Inline Reference to view the task or notification definition
Input Variable or Output Variable to view the current data. Note that a notification has only an Input Variable.
Task Id to open the Process Central Login page to sign in and take some action on the task
Task history to view the current owner and work status of the task
In addition to looking at one task at a time, you can view a list of active tasks.