When a Data Integration Service grid runs mappings, profiles, and workflows, you can configure the service to run jobs in separate DTM processes on remote nodes. The nodes in the grid can have a different combination of roles.
A Data Integration Service grid uses the following components to run jobs in separate remote processes:
Master service process
When you enable a Data Integration Service that runs on a grid, one service process starts on each node with the service role in the grid. The Data Integration Service designates one service process as the master service process. The master service process manages application deployments, logging, job requests, and the dispatch of mappings to worker service processes for optimization and compilation. The master service process also acts as a worker service process and can optimize and compile mappings.
Worker service processes
The Data Integration Service designates the remaining service processes as worker service processes. When a worker service process starts, it registers itself with the master service process so that the master is aware of the worker. A worker service process optimizes and compiles mappings, and then generates a grid task. A grid task is a job request sent by the worker service process to the Service Manager on the master compute node.
Service Manager on the master compute node
When you enable a Data Integration Service that runs on a grid, the Data Integration Service designates one node with the compute role as the master compute node.
The Service Manager on the master compute node performs the following functions to determine the optimal worker compute node to run the mapping:
Communicates with the Resource Manager Service to manage the grid of available compute nodes. When the Service Manager on a node with the compute role starts, the Service Manager registers the node with the Resource Manager Service.
Orchestrates worker service process requests and dispatches mappings to worker compute nodes.
The master compute node also acts as a worker compute node and can run mappings.
DTM processes on worker compute nodes
The Data Integration Service designates the remaining nodes with the compute role as worker compute nodes. The Service Manager on a worker compute node runs mappings in separate DTM processes started within containers.