Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Analyst Service
  3. Catalog Service
  4. Content Management Service
  5. Data Integration Service
  6. Data Integration Service Architecture
  7. Data Integration Service Management
  8. Data Integration Service Grid
  9. Data Integration Service Applications
  10. Interactive Data Preparation Service
  11. Enterprise Data Preparation Service
  12. Informatica Cluster Service
  13. Mass Ingestion Service
  14. Metadata Access Service
  15. Metadata Manager Service
  16. Model Repository Service
  17. PowerCenter Integration Service
  18. PowerCenter Integration Service Architecture
  19. High Availability for the PowerCenter Integration Service
  20. PowerCenter Repository Service
  21. PowerCenter Repository Management
  22. PowerExchange Listener Service
  23. PowerExchange Logger Service
  24. SAP BW Service
  25. Search Service
  26. System Services
  27. Test Data Manager Service
  28. Test Data Warehouse Service
  29. Web Services Hub
  30. Application Service Upgrade
  31. Appendix A: Application Service Databases
  32. Appendix B: Connecting to Databases from Windows
  33. Appendix C: Connecting to Databases
  34. Appendix D: Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Advanced Properties

Advanced Properties

The following table describes the advanced properties for a Web Services Hub:
URL for the third party load balancer that manages the Web Services Hub. This URL is published in the WSDL for all web services that run on a Web Services Hub managed by the load balancer.
Length of time, in seconds, that the Web Services Hub tries to connect or reconnect to the DTM to run a session. Default is 60 seconds.
Number of seconds that a session can remain idle before the session times out and the session ID becomes invalid. The Web Services Hub resets the start of the timeout period every time a client application sends a request with a valid session ID. If a request takes longer to complete than the amount of time set in the SessionExpiryPeriod property, the session can time out during the operation. To avoid timing out, set the SessionExpiryPeriod property to a higher value. The Web Services Hub returns a fault response to any request with an invalid session ID.
Default is 3600 seconds. You can set the SessionExpiryPeriod between 1 and 2,592,000 seconds.
Maximum number of connections to the PowerCenter Integration Service that can be open at one time for the Web Services Hub.
Default is 20.
Log Level
Configure the Log Level property to set the logging level. The following values are valid:
  • Fatal. Writes FATAL messages to the log. FATAL messages include nonrecoverable system failures that cause the service to shut down or become unavailable.
  • Error. Writes FATAL and ERROR code messages to the log. ERROR messages include connection failures, failures to save or retrieve metadata, service errors.
  • Warning. Writes FATAL, WARNING, and ERROR messages to the log. WARNING errors include recoverable system failures or warnings.
  • Info. Writes FATAL, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR messages to the log. INFO messages include system and service change messages.
  • Trace. Write FATAL, TRACE, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR code messages to the log. TRACE messages log user request failures.
  • Debug. Write FATAL, DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR messages to the log. DEBUG messages are user request logs.
The default value is Info.
Maximum number of request processing threads allowed, which determines the maximum number of simultaneous requests that can be handled. Default is 100.
Maximum queue length for incoming connection requests when all possible request processing threads are in use. Any request received when the queue is full is rejected. Default is 5000.
Number of days that Informatica keeps statistical information in the history file. Informatica keeps a history file that contains information regarding the Web Services Hub activities. The number of days you set in this property determines the number of days available for which you can display historical statistics in the Web Services Report page of the Administrator tool.
Maximum Heap Size
Amount of RAM allocated to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that runs the Web Services Hub. Use this property to increase the performance. Append one of the following letters to the value to specify the units:
  • b for bytes.
  • k for kilobytes.
  • m for megabytes.
  • g for gigabytes.
Default is 512 megabytes.
JVM Command Line Options
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) command line options to run Java-based programs. When you configure the JVM options, you must set the Java SDK classpath, Java SDK minimum memory, and Java SDK maximum memory properties.
You must set the following JVM command line option:
  • Dfile.encoding. File encoding. Default is UTF-8.
Use the MaxConcurrentRequests property to set the number of clients that can connect to the Web Services Hub and the MaxQueueLength property to set the number of client requests the Web Services Hub can process at one time.
You can change the parameter values based on the number of clients you expect to connect to the Web Services Hub. In a test environment, set the parameters to smaller values. In a production environment, set the parameters to larger values. If you increase the values, more clients can connect to the Web Services Hub, but the connections use more system resources.


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