Common Content for Data Engineering
- Common Content for Data Engineering 10.2.2 Service Pack 1
- All Products
| Description
| Name of the service. You cannot change the name of the Email Service.
| Description of the service. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.
| Node on which the service runs.
Backup Nodes
| Nodes on which the service can run if the primary node is unavailable.
| Description
Model Repository Service
| Model Repository Service associated with the Email Service.
| User name of an administrator user in the Informatica domain. Not available for a domain with Kerberos authentication.
| Password of the administrator user in the Informatica domain. Not available for a domain with Kerberos authentication.
| Description
SMTP Server Host Name
| The SMTP outbound mail server host name. For example, enter the Microsoft Exchange Server for Microsoft Outlook.
Default is localhost.
SMTP Server Port
| Port number used by the outbound SMTP mail server. Valid values are from 1 to 65535. Default is 25.
SMTP Server User Name
| The user name for authentication upon sending if required by the outbound mail server.
SMTP Server Password
| Password for authentication upon sending if required by the outbound SMTP mail server.
SMTP Authentication Enabled
| Indicates that the SMTP server is enabled for authentication. If true, the outbound mail server requires a user name and password.
Default is false.
Use TLS Security
| Indicates that the SMTP server uses the TLS protocol. If true, enter the TLS port number for the SMTP server port property.
Default is false.
Use SSL Security
| Indicates that the SMTP server uses the SLL protocol. If true, enter the SSL port number for the SMTP server port property.
Default is false.
Sender Email Address
| Email address that the Email Service uses in the From field when sending notification emails from a workflow. Default is .