To update the information in a South Korea address, first verify the address in batch mode or interactive mode. Then enter the address identifier value in address code lookup mode. To return the address in a different format, update the final character in the address identifier value.
Enter a South Korea address in batch or interactive mode. You can enter a street address or a lot-based address with a five-digit post code or a six-digit post code.
Address validation returns the valid address data and an address identifier value.
Review the address identifier value.
The final character of the value identifies the type of information that the address contains.
Update the final character in the address identifier.
Configure the address identifier value that you modified as the input to the Address Identifier KR input port.
Configure the Address Validator transformation to run in address code lookup mode.
Address validation returns the address information that corresponds to the address identifier value.
If the address that you entered in step 1 contains building or sub-building information, add the information to the output address from step 5.