Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Pre-Installation Tasks
  5. B2B Data Exchange Installation
  6. Post-Installation Tasks
  7. Installing the Partners Portal on Non-B2B Data Exchange Nodes
  8. Upgrading B2B Data Exchange
  9. Starting and Stopping B2B Data Exchange
  10. Optional B2B Data Exchange Configuration
  11. Migrating OEM Managed File Transfer Endpoint
  12. Installing and Configuring the B2B Data Exchange Accelerator for Data Archive
  13. Uninstallation

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the Partners Portal on Non-B2B Data Exchange Nodes Requirements

Installing the Partners Portal on Non-B2B Data Exchange Nodes Requirements

Before you install the Partners Portal, set up the node to run the installer. If you plan to brand the portal with your organization logo, follow the logo branding guidelines.
Partners Portal node
Follow these guidelines to set up the node where you plan to install the Partners Portal:
  • B2B Data Exchange must be installed in the network.
  • B2B Data Exchange and the Partners Portal must be deployed on the same operating system type.
  • The Partners Portal requires file system level access to the B2B Data Exchange Document Store.
  • Open HTTP or HTTPS ports from the external network to the node where you plan to install the Partners Portal. Configure the firewall to allow URLs that start with the suffix
Logo branding
Follow these guidelines if you plan to brand the Partners Portal with the organization logo:
  • The Partners Portal requires two graphic files for a small logo and a large logo in .png format.
  • The file for the small logo must be named
    and must be 144 pixels by 50 pixels.
  • The file for the large logo must be named
    and must be 170 pixels by 100 pixels.
  • The logo graphics must be transparent.


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