B2B Data Exchange
- B2B Data Exchange 10.2.3
- All Products
| Workaround
Non- B2B Data Exchange actions are not migrated. The migration tool addresses the <receive>, <send>, <collect> and <release> actions for migration and does not migrate or report any other actions associated with the OEM Managed File Transfer mailboxes.
| Create projects in Informatica Managed File Transfer that correspond to the actions in the OEM Managed File Transfer mailboxes, and assign these projects to the
B2B Data Exchange endpoints.
Non- B2B Data Exchange mailboxes and host/mailbox properties are not migrated. Only resources are migrated. The migration tool only migrates
B2B Data Exchange -related endpoints. For hosts or mailboxes that are not directly related to
B2B Data Exchange endpoints, the migration tool only migrates the resources and web users of the non-B2B Data Exchange hosts and mailboxes.
| Create projects in Informatica Managed File Transfer for the non- B2B Data Exchange mailbox actions using the migrated resources/web-users and schedule them accordingly.
OEM Managed File Transfer users from VLNavigator are not migrated. The migration tool does not migrate or report the users and objects in VLNavigator.
| Create Admin Users in Informatica Managed File Transfer for the corresponding users in VLNavigator.
The migration tool does not migrate schedules managed in the OEM Managed File Transfer.
| Create Schedules, Monitors and Triggers in Informatica Managed File Transfer for the corresponding schedule objects in OEM Managed File Transfer.
The migration tool does not migrate global configuration settings such as date format or admin email.
| Configure the Global Settings in Informatica Managed File Transfer with settings corresponding to those in OEM Managed File Transfer.
The migration tool does not migrate or report endpoints or resources for SMTP or MLLP protocols or MQ or Mailbox objects.
| Create the SMTP, MQ, MLLP, or Mailbox resources in Informatica Managed File Transfer. Create projects using these resources with actions corresponding to those in OEM Managed File Transfer. Schedule the project actions.
The migration tool does not migrate or report endpoints or resources or web users for AS3, OFTP, eb XML, EBICS, fasp, HSP, RNIF, WS, AS/400, or Cleo HTTPS protocols.
| Informatica Managed File Transfer does not support AS3, OFTP, eb XML, EBICS, fasp, HSP, RNIF, WS, AS/400, or Cleo HTTPS protocols.
The migration tool does not migrate the proxy server configurations or settings.
| After migration, configure the Gateway Manager and the resource proxy configurations in Informatica Managed File Transfer.
Passwords for hosted users (web users) and private keys are not migrated.
| The migration tool generates the web users either with a default password, or generates passwords based on the password policy and then sends emails to the web users. The Informatica Managed File Transfer admin must configure the password generation logic before running the migration tool and inform the partners on the follow-up actions to either change the default passwords after the first login or use the newly generated passwords.
Cleo commands are not migrated. The migration tool uses parameterized template projects to create endpoints. The template projects include only the CD, GET, and PUT commands and -DEL option. All other commands such as QUOTE, SET, LCOPY, LDELETE, or LREPLACE are not part of the template projects.
| Create a backup of the template projects and then modify the template projects, or create projects. Add the mailbox actions that use commands other than CD, GET, and PUT.
Multiple commands within an action are not migrated. If the action task for a mailbox contains multiple commands, such as GET for multiple file patterns, or any other command followed by more than one GET command, then only the first GET command is considered for the file download pattern for migration.
| Create projects for the actions or modify the template projects.