Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Pre-Installation Tasks
  5. B2B Data Exchange Installation
  6. Post-Installation Tasks
  7. Installing the Partners Portal on Non-B2B Data Exchange Nodes
  8. Upgrading B2B Data Exchange
  9. Starting and Stopping B2B Data Exchange
  10. Optional B2B Data Exchange Configuration
  11. Migrating OEM Managed File Transfer Endpoint
  12. Installing and Configuring the B2B Data Exchange Accelerator for Data Archive
  13. Uninstallation

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Configure System Properties to Enable Informatica Managed File Transfer Access

Configure System Properties to Enable Informatica Managed File Transfer Access

If you install the Informatica Managed File Transfer component, to ensure that
B2B Data Exchange
can access Managed File Transfer, define the following system properties with the Operations Console:
System Property
Name of a user from a user account with privileges to run Informatica Managed File Transfer projects. The credential is used to execute Informatica Managed File Transfer projects.
Password of the user defined for the
property. The credential is used to execute Informatica Managed File Transfer projects.
URL address for Informatica Managed File Transfer.
After you edit the system properties, restart
B2B Data Exchange


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