B2B Data Transformation
- B2B Data Transformation 10.5.2
- All Products
| Limitation
Uniqueness constraints
| The
unique ,
key , and
keyref elements are ignored. The event log includes a warning.
Default values for elements of mixed type
| The Script ignores the default. The event log includes a warning.
Default data type
| If the type of an element is undefined, the Script processes it as
xs:string . The event log includes a warning.
You can change the default to
xs:anyType .
Regular expressions
| There are minor discrepancies between the regular expression processor and the schema standard.
Sequence defining multiple elements having the same name
| If an
xs:sequence contains multiple
xs:element definitions having the same name, the Script processes only the first
xs:element . The event log includes a warning.
To resolve the problem, wrap each
xs:element in an independent
xs:sequence .
Minimum and maximum dates
| If a facet defines a minimum or maximum value for an
xs:date element, the transformation fails.
Lax or skip validation options
| In an
xs:any or
xs:anyAttribute element, the Script ignores a
processContents value of
lax or
skip . It behaves as if the value were
strict .
Substitution group
| The Script permits a
substitutionGroup , even if a
block or
blockDefault attribute forbids substitutions.
XSI type
| The Script permits an
xsi:type attribute even if a
block attribute of
forbids it.
Built-in types
| Some built-in types do not have correct patterns, for example, when they include characters above ASCII 127.
Substitution group without a type
| The Script sometimes fails when a substitution group does not have a type.
Empty namespace
| When the namespace is empty, the Script adds an alias to all elements in the source file, but the alias does not appear on the
Locator and the
Locator fails.
| The Script reads a space-separated
xs:list as a single item, which might fail if its length exceeds the stated limit for individual items in the list.
Floats and doubles
| xs:float and
xs:double do not accept valid values of
-INF , or
NaN .
Element with both fixed and mixed attributes
| The Script does not read all parts of an element that has both fixed and mixed attributes.
| The Script creates output even when
max_occurs=0 .
| The Script does not parse
xs:token that contains tabs, carriage returns, or line feeds.
Normalized string
| The Script does not load an XML when an
xs:normalizedString contains tabs, carriage returns, or line feeds.