Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Data Transformation
  3. Data Processor Transformation
  4. Wizard Input and Output Formats
  5. Relational Input and Output
  6. Using the IntelliScript Editor
  7. XMap
  8. Libraries
  9. Schema Object
  10. Command Line Interface
  11. Scripts
  12. Parsers
  13. Script Ports
  14. Document Processors
  15. Formats
  16. Data Holders
  17. Anchors
  18. Transformers
  19. Actions
  20. Serializers
  21. Mappers
  22. Locators, Keys, and Indexing
  23. Streamers
  24. Validators, Notifications, and Failure Handling
  25. Validation Rules
  26. Custom Script Components

User Guide

User Guide

Library Management

Library Management

You can use the Library editor to customize the message type structures and elements for the DTCC-NSCC, EDIFACT, EDI-X12, HIPAA, HL7, and SWIFT libraries. To change the structure of the message type, use the Library editor to add, edit and delete elements from the Library message.
You might want to change the way that a message type is transformed. A Library transformation contains a large number of objects and components, such as Scripts with Parsers, Serializers, and XML schemas, that define the transformation. A Library transformation might contain objects for message validation, acknowledgments, and diagnostic displays.
A Library transformation uses its objects to transform the messaging type from industry standard input to XML and from XML to other formats. To access and edit the Scripts, XMaps and schemas that you created with the Library editor, you must generate the Library objects. Generate the Library objects only if you need to make a change to the Library objects that you cannot do with the Library editor.
After you generate the Library objects, use the IntelliScript editor to edit Parsers, Serializers, and Mappers. For example, you want to change the output structure to suit your requirements. You generate the Library objects and edit the Scripts with the IntelliScript editor.
When you create a Library for library packages that do not support the Library editor, the Library objects are pre-generated. You do not need to generate the Library objects. You can use the IntelliScript editor to directly edit the Script components for these libraries.
After you generate Library objects, or if the Library objects were pre-generated, you cannot edit the Library elements with the Library editor. To use the Library editor again, you must discard the generated Library objects for those libraries that you can edit with the Library editor. For example, you might decide that you want to add input fields but not change the structure of the output. Discard the Library objects and after that add custom elements with the Library editor.
Any changes that you made to the generated Library objects are lost when you discard the generated objects.

Library Example for EDI-X12

You and your suppliers use the X12 850 Purchase Order standard to document and process orders. You want to change the library message type specifications from the industry standards to support your internal processes.
The furniture manufacturing business needs standard elements such as model, color, and size, and a custom element for the fabric type. It does not need a batch number or expiration date. Use the Library editor to remove elements and add custom elements.
You can also use the Library editor to change element properties, add segments, and copy elements. For example, change the element property which defines the list of colors to add new colors. To add a manufacturer code element to the fabric segment and hardware segment, you can copy it.
You run a Data Processor transformation that contains your customized Library. The text input from your suppliers is formatted in a modified version of the X12 850 Purchase Order standard. The modified input format matches the changes that you made to the Library. The text is transformed into hierarchical output that can be sent to other transformations for further processing.


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