Data Transformation is an application that processes complex files, such as messaging formats, HTML pages and PDF documents. Data Transformation also transforms formats such as ACORD, HIPAA, HL7, EDI-X12, EDIFACT, and SWIFT.
Data Transformation installs by default when you install Informatica Developer (the Developer tool). You can define a Data Processor transformation to transform complex files in a mapping. When you run a mapping with the Data Processor transformation, the Data Integration Service calls the Data Transformation Engine to process the data.
The Data Transformation application has the following elements:
Data Processor transformation
A transformation that processes complex files in a mapping. Define a Data Transformation Script, XMap, Library, or Validation Rules object in the Developer tool to process the data. You can include the transformation in an SQL data service mapping, web service, or mapping profile.
Data Transformation service
A set of Data Transformation objects that you can export from Data Processor transformation and run standalone. You export a service to a Data Transformation repository and run the service from there.
Data Transformation repository
A directory that stores executable services that you export from a Data Processor transformation. The repository directory name is ServiceDB.
Data Processor Engine
A processor that runs objects in the Data Processor transformation or services that you create in Developer tool.