Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Pre-Installation Tasks
  5. Data Integration Hub Installation
  6. Post-Installation Tasks
  7. Upgrading Data Integration Hub
  8. Starting and Stopping Data Integration Hub
  9. Optional Data Integration Hub Configuration
  10. Installing and Configuring the Data Integration Hub Accelerator for Data Archive
  11. Troubleshooting the Data Integration Hub Installation
  12. Uninstallation

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Changing the Credentials for a Database User Account

Changing the Credentials for a Database User Account

When you install
Data Integration Hub
, you specify a user name and a user password for the user account
of the
Data Integration Hub
repository database
and of the publication repository database
. If you are running the Dashboard and Reports component, you also specify a user name and a user password for the operational data store user account.
Perform the following steps if you change the credentials for a database user account after you install
Data Integration Hub
. Perform only the steps that are relevant to the changes that you are making. If you are not running the Dashboard and Reports component, skip the steps that are only relevant to this component.
  1. Stop the
    Data Integration Hub
    services and close the Operation Console.
  2. Verify that the PowerCenter Integration Service is not running any
    Data Integration Hub
  3. If you are running the Dashboard and Reports component, and you are changing credentials for the
    Data Integration Hub
    repository or for the operational data store user account, use the PowerCenter Workflow Manager to update the credentials in the following connections:
    • For the
      Data Integration Hub
      repository, update the DX_REPO connection.
    • For the operational data store, update the DX_ODS connection.
  4. If you are changing a password, perform the following steps:
    1. Run the password encryption utility and enter the new password in the following syntax:
      • On Windows operating systems:
        InstallationDir>\dx-tools\dxpasswd.bat -p <NewPassword>
      • On UNIX operating systems:
        InstallationDir>/dx-tools/ -p <NewPassword>
      The password encryption utility encrypts the password and displays an encrypted string. For example,
    2. Copy the encrypted string without the
      indicators to the clipboard.
  5. Open both copies of the
    file from the following locations in a text editor:
  6. In both copies of the
    file, perform the following steps:
    1. Search for the text that is relevant to the changes that you are making:
      • Data Integration Hub
      • Publication repository:
      • Operational data store:
    2. Replace the relevant value with the new value. If you are replacing a password, enter the encrypted string.
    3. Save and close the files.
    The content in both copies of the
    file must be identical.
  7. Start the
    Data Integration Hub
    Operation Console.
  8. If you are changing the credentials for the operational data store user account, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Navigator click
      System Properties
    2. Change the values of the
      and the
      properties to the new values. For the password, enter the encrypted string.
  9. Verify that the PowerCenter Integration Service is running.
  10. If you are changing the credentials for the
    Data Integration Hub
    repository or for the publication repository, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Navigator, click
      Hub Management
      page appears.
    2. Click the
      Test Connection
      icon next to the connection to the repository for which you want to change the credentials.
      • DIH__REPO. Connection to the
        Data Integration Hub
      • DIH__STAGING. Connection to the publication repository.
      Data Integration Hub
      tests the connection. The process might take a few moments.
    3. When the message "Connection successful" shows, click
      in the
      Test Connection
      dialog box.
  11. Start the
    Data Integration Hub
    Server service.
  12. If you are running the Dashboard and Reports component, perform the following steps to schedule the
    Data Integration Hub
    operational data store loader workflow:
    1. In PowerCenter Workflow Manager, expand the folder where the operational data store loader workflow is located and then right-click
    2. Select
      from the menu and wait until PowerCenter Workflow Manager schedules and runs the workflow.

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