Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Pre-Installation Tasks
  5. Data Integration Hub Installation
  6. Post-Installation Tasks
  7. Upgrading Data Integration Hub
  8. Starting and Stopping Data Integration Hub
  9. Optional Data Integration Hub Configuration
  10. Installing and Configuring the Data Integration Hub Accelerator for Data Archive
  11. Troubleshooting the Data Integration Hub Installation
  12. Uninstallation

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Set Up Database Partitions on the Publication Repository

Set Up Database Partitions on the Publication Repository

It is highly recommended that you set up partitions on the publication repository database that stores published data sets. Partitions divide the stored published data set according to creation date, where each partition stores data sets that all applications publish on a specific date. By default, the publication repository does not use partitions.
When you set up partitioning,
Data Integration Hub
reduces fragmentation by deleting expired data sets and reducing the time of data set creation and data consumption. You can set up partitions on Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Use the
Data Integration Hub
repository utility command
to create and manage the partitions in the publication repository database. The partitions state appears in the dih.staging.use.partitions.default system property. For more information about the
Data Integration Hub
repository utility see the
Data Integration Hub
Administrator Guide
If you switch between a partitioned database and a non-partitioned database, the change affects topics, publications, and subscriptions that you create after the switch. Therefore, it is recommended that you choose a partition state before you start to use
Data Integration Hub
. To switch the partition state for existing topics, publications, or subscriptions, contact Informatica Global Customer Service.


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