Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Pre-Installation Tasks
  5. Data Integration Hub Installation
  6. Post-Installation Tasks
  7. Upgrading Data Integration Hub
  8. Starting and Stopping Data Integration Hub
  9. Optional Data Integration Hub Configuration
  10. Installing and Configuring the Data Integration Hub Accelerator for Data Archive
  11. Troubleshooting the Data Integration Hub Installation
  12. Uninstallation

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Importing the Web Service to PowerCenter

Importing the Web Service to PowerCenter

When you install
Data Integration Hub
, the
Data Integration Hub
web service workflow
installed in the
folder. You must import the
Data Integration Hub
web service workflow into PowerCenter before you can access the web service.
To use the web service, the Informatica domain must contain the following services:
  • PowerCenter Repository Service
  • Web Services Hub
  • PowerCenter Integration Service
  1. Use the PowerCenter Repository Manager to import the following workflow file into the PowerCenter repository:
  2. In the Web Services Hub console, verify that the
    Data Integration Hub
    web service
    correctly imported into PowerCenter. If the import process is successful, the list of valid services includes the
    Data Integration Hub
    web service.
  3. You can use the Try-It application in the Web Services Hub console to test the
    Data Integration Hub
    web service. On the
    XML Input
    tab, enter the data into the SOAP message and click
    . To avoid authentication errors, do not use the
    Form Input
    page to test
    Data Integration Hub
    web service.
    After you verify that the web service
    working, you can create a client application to send requests to the web service.


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