| Description
REP_ALL_MAPPINGS | This view provides a list of the latest version of all mappings defined in each folder of a repository. |
REP_ALL_MAPPLETS | This view provides a list of the latest version of all mapplets defined in each folder of a repository. |
REP_TARG_MAPPING | This view provides access to the compound table-level transformation expressions for each target table. |
REP_TARG_FLD_MAP | This view shows compound field-level transformation expressions associated with a target. |
REP_FLD_MAPPING | This view shows the source fields used by the target fields in a mapping. This is the companion view for the REP_TBL_MAPPING view. |
REP_SRC_MAPPING | This view shows all sources used in a mapping. |
REP_SRC_FLD_MAP | This view shows all of the source fields used in a mapping. |
REP_TBL_MAPPING | This view shows all of the target tables used in a mapping and provides source to target mapping information. |
REP_TARG_TBL_JOINS | This view contains join information between target tables. |
REP_MAPPING_CONN_PORTS | This view displays the port-level connections between the objects of a mapping. |
REP_MAPPING_UNCONN_PORTS | This view displays the unconnected ports in sources, targets, and transformations in a mapping. |