Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding the Repository
  3. Using the Repository Manager
  4. Folders
  5. Managing Object Permissions
  6. Local and Global Shortcuts
  7. Team-Based Development with Versioned Objects
  8. Labels
  9. Object Queries
  10. Team-Based Development with Deployment Groups
  11. Copying Folders and Deployment Groups
  12. Exporting and Importing Objects
  13. Exchanging Metadata
  14. Copying Objects
  15. Metadata Extensions
  16. Appendix A: MX Views Reference
  17. Appendix B: PowerCenter Reports Reference

Repository Guide

Repository Guide

Working with Metadata Extensions

Working with Metadata Extensions

You can create reusable or non-reusable metadata extensions. You associate reusable metadata extensions with
repository objects of a certain type. So, when you create a reusable extension for a mapping, it is available for all mappings. Vendor-defined metadata extensions are always reusable.
Non-reusable extensions are associated with a single repository object. Therefore, if you edit a target and create a non-reusable extension for it, that extension is available for the target you edit. It is not available for other targets.
You can promote a non-reusable metadata extension to reusable, but you cannot change a reusable metadata extension to non-reusable.
You can create, edit, and delete user-defined metadata extensions using the following tools:
  • Designer.
    Create, edit, and delete non-reusable metadata extensions for sources, targets, transformations, mappings, and mapplets. You can also promote non-reusable metadata extensions to reusable extensions.
  • Workflow Manager.
    Create, edit, and delete non-reusable metadata extensions for sessions, workflows, and worklets. You can also promote non-reusable metadata extensions to reusable extensions.
  • Repository Manager.
    Create, edit, and delete reusable metadata extensions for all types of repository objects. If you want to create, edit, and delete metadata extensions for multiple objects at one time, use the Repository Manager.


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