| Information Displayed
Repository Node | Displays properties for each folder in the selected repository. |
Deployment Groups Node | Displays properties for each deployment group in the selected repository. Select a static deployment group to view details for deployment group objects. |
Sources Node | Displays the properties for each source within the selected node. Select a source definition to view details for each port in the selected source definition. |
Targets Node | Displays the properties for each target within the selected node. Select a target definition to view details for each target definition port. |
Transformations Node | Displays the properties for each reusable transformation in the selected node. Select a transformation to view details for the specified transformation ports. |
Mapplets Node | Displays the properties for each mapplet in the selected node. Select a mapplet to view the Transformations node containing the mapplet. |
Mappings Node | Displays the properties for each mapping in the node. Select a mapping to view Sources, Targets, and Transformations nodes that contain the sources, targets, and transformations used in the mapping. Select a target in a mapping to view details for each port in the selected target definition. |
Tasks Node | Displays properties for each task in the selected node. Select a task to view the task details. |
Sessions Node | Displays properties for each session in the folder. Select a session to view Session Logs, Source Connections, and Target Connections nodes for the selected session. The Main window also displays information about pre- and post-session email and commands. |
Worklets Node | Displays properties for each worklet in the folder. Select a worklet to view the nodes for sessions, tasks, and other objects associated with the worklet. |
Workflows Node | Displays properties for each workflow in the folder. Select a workflow to view information for tasks and objects associated with the selected workflow. |
Workflow Logs Node | Displays workflow log information for the selected workflow. The Workflow Logs node appears under each workflow in the Workflows node. |
Session Logs Node | Displays session log information for the selected session. The Session Logs node appears under each session in the Sessions node. |
Source Connections Node | Displays connection properties for each source connection associated with the session. The Source Connections node appears under each session in the Sessions node and under each session associated with a workflow under the Workflows node. |
Source File Connections Node | Displays properties for each source file associated with the session. The Source File Connections node appears under each session in the Sessions node and under each session associated with a workflow under the Workflows node. |
Target Connections Node | Displays connection properties for each target connection associated with the session. The Target Connections node appears under each session in the Sessions node and under each session associated with a workflow under the Workflows node. |
Target File Connections Node | Displays properties for each target file associated with the session. The Target File Connections node appears under each session in the Sessions node and under each session associated with a workflow under the Workflows node. |
Transformation Logs Node | Displays log details for each transformation in the session when you select the Transformation Logs node. |