Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding the Repository
  3. Using the Repository Manager
  4. Folders
  5. Managing Object Permissions
  6. Local and Global Shortcuts
  7. Team-Based Development with Versioned Objects
  8. Labels
  9. Object Queries
  10. Team-Based Development with Deployment Groups
  11. Copying Folders and Deployment Groups
  12. Exporting and Importing Objects
  13. Exchanging Metadata
  14. Copying Objects
  15. Metadata Extensions
  16. Appendix A: MX Views Reference
  17. Appendix B: PowerCenter Reports Reference

Repository Guide

Repository Guide

Viewing Object Details

Viewing Object Details

To view information about repository objects, select a node in the Navigator. Or, to view detailed information about a particular repository object, drill down on a node and select the object.
The following table describes the object details displayed in the Main window:
Information Displayed
Repository Node
Displays properties for each folder in the selected repository.
Deployment Groups Node
Displays properties for each deployment group in the selected repository. Select a static deployment group to view details for deployment group objects.
Sources Node
Displays the properties for each source within the selected node. Select a source definition to view details for each port in the selected source definition.
Targets Node
Displays the properties for each target within the selected node. Select a target definition to view details for each target definition port.
Transformations Node
Displays the properties for each reusable transformation in the selected node. Select a transformation to view details for the specified transformation ports.
Mapplets Node
Displays the properties for each mapplet in the selected node. Select a mapplet to view the Transformations node containing the mapplet.
Mappings Node
Displays the properties for each mapping in the node. Select a mapping to view Sources, Targets, and Transformations nodes that contain the sources, targets, and transformations used in the mapping. Select a target in a mapping to view details for each port in the selected target definition.
Tasks Node
Displays properties for each task in the selected node. Select a task to view the task details.
Sessions Node
Displays properties for each session in the folder. Select a session to view Session Logs, Source Connections, and Target Connections nodes for the selected session. The Main window also displays information about pre- and post-session email and commands.
Worklets Node
Displays properties for each worklet in the folder. Select a worklet to view the nodes for sessions, tasks, and other objects associated with the worklet.
Workflows Node
Displays properties for each workflow in the folder. Select a workflow to view information for tasks and objects associated with the selected workflow.
Workflow Logs Node
Displays workflow log information for the selected workflow. The Workflow Logs node appears under each workflow in the Workflows node.
Session Logs Node
Displays session log information for the selected session. The Session Logs node appears under each session in the Sessions node.
Source Connections Node
Displays connection properties for each source connection associated with the session. The Source Connections node appears under each session in the Sessions node and under each session associated with a workflow under the Workflows node.
Source File Connections Node
Displays properties for each source file associated with the session. The Source File Connections node appears under each session in the Sessions node and under each session associated with a workflow under the Workflows node.
Target Connections Node
Displays connection properties for each target connection associated with the session. The Target Connections node appears under each session in the Sessions node and under each session associated with a workflow under the Workflows node.
Target File Connections Node
Displays properties for each target file associated with the session. The Target File Connections node appears under each session in the Sessions node and under each session associated with a workflow under the Workflows node.
Transformation Logs Node
Displays log details for each transformation in the session when you select the Transformation Logs node.

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