Label Options
| Description
Move Label
| Moves the label from a previous version of the object to the latest version of the object. If the Repository Service detects the label is applied to another version of the same object, you can move the label to the selected version of the object.
Primary/Foreign Key Dependencies
| Applies the label to the source object containing the primary key referenced by the foreign key in the selected source object.
Global Shortcut Dependencies
| Applies the label to global shortcut objects. Select one of the previous options such as Label All Children. Select Global Shortcut Dependencies. The Repository Service applies the label to global shortcuts that meet the conditions you specify.
Label all Children
| Applies the label to all repository objects that the selected object uses.
Label all Parents
| Applies the label to all repository objects that use the selected object.
| Previews the group of objects that the Repository Service applies the label to when you apply labels to dependent objects.