Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding the Repository
  3. Using the Repository Manager
  4. Folders
  5. Managing Object Permissions
  6. Local and Global Shortcuts
  7. Team-Based Development with Versioned Objects
  8. Labels
  9. Object Queries
  10. Team-Based Development with Deployment Groups
  11. Copying Folders and Deployment Groups
  12. Exporting and Importing Objects
  13. Exchanging Metadata
  14. Copying Objects
  15. Metadata Extensions
  16. Appendix A: MX Views Reference
  17. Appendix B: PowerCenter Reports Reference

Repository Guide

Repository Guide

Applying Labels

Applying Labels

You can apply one or more labels to any versioned object in the repository. You can select any label you have execute permissions for. You can also apply the label to selected dependent objects. For example, if you want to group dependencies for a workflow, you can label all child objects. The Repository Service applies labels to sources, targets, mappings, and tasks associated with the workflow.
If you deploy objects to multiple repositories, you can apply the label to global shortcut dependencies. When you deploy labels to global shortcut dependencies, you can apply the label to dependent objects in a global repository from a local repository. You can also apply the label to dependent objects in all registered local repositories in a global repository.
You can apply labels to objects when you complete one of the following tasks from the Designer, Workflow Manager, or Repository Manager:
  • View the history of an object
    . When you view the history of an object, click Tools > Labels > Apply Label from the View History window.
  • Create an object query
    . When you run an object query, click Tools > Labels > Apply Label from the Query Results window.
Alternatively, you can apply labels by selecting Versioning > Apply Labels in the Repository Manager. In the Repository Manager, you open the Label Wizard. You can apply labels to groups of objects in the Label Wizard.
The following table describes the label options:
Label Options
Move Label
Moves the label from a previous version of the object to the latest version of the object. If the Repository Service detects the label is applied to another version of the same object, you can move the label to the selected version of the object.
Primary/Foreign Key Dependencies
Applies the label to the source object containing the primary key referenced by the foreign key in the selected source object.
Global Shortcut Dependencies
Applies the label to global shortcut objects. Select one of the previous options such as Label All Children. Select Global Shortcut Dependencies. The Repository Service applies the label to global shortcuts that meet the conditions you specify.
Label all Children
Applies the label to all repository objects that the selected object uses.
Label all Parents
Applies the label to all repository objects that use the selected object.
Previews the group of objects that the Repository Service applies the label to when you apply labels to dependent objects.
When you apply labels to objects, you can apply a label to one version of an object at a time. For example, you apply the Deployment label to version one of a mapping. When you create version two of this mapping, you can move the Deployment label to version two of the mapping, or you can apply a different label. You cannot apply the Deployment label to both versions of the mapping.
When you label parent objects, such as mappings, workflows, and worklets, you must apply the label to nonreusable child objects. If you do not apply labels to nonreusable child objects, the labels for parent and nonreusable child objects may not synchronize.
When you search for an object, view an object history, or view object properties, you can view metadata for the labels applied to an object. You can view the label owner, the time stamp when you applied the label, and the comments you entered when you applied the label to the object.
The Repository Service applies the label to objects that are checked in to the repository. You cannot apply labels to checked-out objects.

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