Amazon Redshift Connector Best Practices

Amazon Redshift Connector Best Practices

Partitioning on PowerCenter

Partitioning on PowerCenter

If you need to extract a large amount of source data, you can partition the sources to improve session performance. Partitioning sources allows the PowerCenter Integration Service to create multiple connections to sources and process partitions of source data concurrently. You can partition sources if the PowerCenter Integration Service can maintain data consistency when it processes the partitioned data.
By default, the Workflow Manager sets the partition type to pass-through for Amazon Redshift tables. In pass-through partitioning, the PowerCenter Integration Service passes all rows at one partition point to the next partition point without redistributing them.
If you create multiple partitions for an Amazon Redshift source session, the PowerCenter Integration Service evaluates the session properties in the following order to run the session:
  • SQL Query
  • INFA Advanced Filter
  • Slices on Amazon Redshift nodes


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