Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange
  3. DBMOVER Configuration File
  4. Netport Jobs
  5. PowerExchange Message Logs and Destination Overrides
  6. SMF Statistics Logging and Reporting
  7. PowerExchange Security
  8. Secure Sockets Layer Support
  9. PowerExchange Alternative Network Security
  10. PowerExchange Nonrelational SQL
  11. PowerExchange Globalization
  12. Using the PowerExchange ODBC Drivers
  13. PowerExchange Datatypes and Conversion Matrix
  14. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps
  15. Appendix B: PowerExchange Glossary

PowerExchange Message Log File

PowerExchange Message Log File

By default, PowerExchange writes most messages to the PowerExchange message log file.
PowerExchange creates this file if it does not exist.
The following table shows the default name and location of the PowerExchange message log file by operating system:
Operating System Type
Message Log File Name
A member of the LOG file in the PowerExchange data library,
, which PowerExchange creates during installation.
Linux, UNIX, and Windows
A file in the current working directory of the PowerExchange process that is running.
DTLLOG DD data set
A data set that is allocated by the DTLLOG DD statement in the JCL for a PowerExchange component that issues messages. This DD statement can point to a permanent data set or to a SYSOUT data set.
When messages are written to a single file, without manual intervention, the volume of data continues to grow until the PowerExchange message log file becomes full. This out-of-space condition usually occurs for long-running PowerExchange tasks, such as the PowerExchange Listener. Also, PowerExchange must open and close the PowerExchange message log file to write each message. This open and close activity can decrease performance and increase resource utilization when message volume is high.


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