Resource Profiles for Controlling Write Access to IMS Databases
Resource Profiles for Controlling Write Access to IMS Databases
Configure resource profiles for write access to IMS databases and set the access authorities.
The resource profile for controlling write access to IMS databases access through DL/I batch or BMP jobs has the following form:
The resource profile for controlling write access to IMS databases access through IMS ODBA has the following form:
variable specifies the IMS SSID value that you specify on the
Data Maps Properties
dialog box in the PowerExchange Navigator. Although you can also specify an IMS SSID value for DL/1 batch through the PowerExchange Navigator, this value is not used in the resource profile specification for DL/1 batch.
Users that have UPDATE access to the resource profile can use PowerExchange to write data to IMS databases. Otherwise, access is denied. If you do not define a resource profile, PowerExchange does not control write access.
You can define generic resource profiles to minimize the number of definitions. For example, the following generic profile in RACF covers writing to IMS databases with DL/I batch or ODBA:
You can use this type of generic profile to prevent general write access.