Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Mappings
  3. Mapping tutorial
  4. Parameters
  5. CLAIRE recommendations
  6. Data catalog discovery



Input parameter configuration

Input parameter configuration

You can create a parameter in the Input Parameter panel or in the location where you want to use the parameter.
The Input Parameter panel displays all input parameters in the mapping. You can view details about the input parameter and the transformation where you use the parameter.
When you create a parameter in the Input Parameter panel, you can create any type of parameter. In a transformation, you can create the type of parameter that is appropriate for the location.
If you edit or delete an input parameter, consider how transformations that use the parameter might be affected by the change. For example, if a SQL transformation uses a connection parameter, the connection type must be
SQL Server
. If the connection parameter is changed so that the connector type is no longer
SQL Server
, the SQL transformation can no longer use the connection parameter.
To configure a mapping with a connection parameter, configure the mapping with a specific connection. Then, you can select the source, target, or lookup object that you want to use and configure the mapping. After the mapping is complete, you can replace the connection with a parameter without causing changes to other mapping details.
When you use an input parameter for a source, lookup, or target object, you cannot define the fields for the object in the mapping. Parameterize any conditions and field mappings in the data flow that would use fields from the parameterized object.
When you create an input parameter, you can use the parameter properties to provide guidance on how to configure the parameter in the task. The parameter description displays in the task as a tooltip, so you can add important information about the parameter value in the description.
The following table describes input parameter properties and how they display in a
Input parameter property
Parameter name. Displays as the parameter name if you do not configure a display label.
If you configure a display label, Name does not display in the task.
Display Label
Display label. Displays as the parameter name in the task.
Description of the parameter. Displays as a tooltip for the parameter in the task.
Use to provide additional information or instruction for parameter configuration.
Parameter type. Determines where you can use the parameter. Also determines how the parameter displays in a
  • String. Displays a textbox. For the Named Fields selection criteria, displays a list of fields.
  • Connection. Displays a list of connections.
  • Expression. Displays a Field Expression dialog box so you can create an expression.
  • Data object. Displays a list of available objects from the configured connection.
  • Field. Displays a list of fields from the selected object.
  • Field mapping. Displays field mapping tables allowing you to map fields from the data flow to the target object.
Connection Type
Determines the type of connection to use in the task. Applicable when the parameter type is Connection.
For example, you select Oracle. Only Oracle connections are available in the task.
Allow parameter to be overridden at run time
Determines whether parameter values can be changed with a parameter file when the task runs. You define the parameter value to use in the task in the parameter file.
When you configure the task, you specify a default value for the parameter.
Applicable for data objects and connections with certain connection types. To see if a connector supports runtime override of source and target connections and objects, see the help for the appropriate connector.
If a mapping uses a source or target object parameter that can be overridden at runtime, and an existing object is selected in the task, the parameter value in the parameter file can't be null. If the value is null, the task fails
Default Value
Default value. Displays as the default value for the parameter, when available.
For example, if you enter a connection name for a default value and the connection name does not exist in the organization, no default value displays.
Allow partial mapping override
Determines whether field mappings specified during mapping configuration can be changed in the task.
Applicable when parameter type is Field mapping.
Do not select
Allow Partial Mapping Override
if you want to enforce the links you configure in the mapping.


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