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mftsaas/api/v1/sendfiles/<connection ID>
| Type
| Required
| Description
| String
| Yes
| Connection type.
The supported connection types are:
| String
| Yes
| Directory path from where files are transferred.
| String
| -
| Directory path to where files are transferred.
This option is available only for Advanced FTP V2, Advanced FTPS V2, and Advanced SFTP V2 connection types.
Default is '/'.
| String
| Yes
| Source file name pattern. Specify a file name pattern to identify which files to send. You can use the regular expression type.
| String
| -
| Whether to delete source files after a successful POST request. Use one of the following values:
Default is true.
POST <serverUrl>/mftsaas/api/v1/sendfiles/<connection ID> Accept:application/json IDS-SESSION-ID: <icSessionId or INFA-SESSION-ID> { "targetConnectionType": "as2", "srcDirectoryPath": "C:\\server\\userdata\\workspace", "srcFilePattern": "file_*“ }
POST <serverUrl>/mftsaas/api/v1/sendfiles/<connection ID> Accept:application/json IDS-SESSION-ID: <icSessionId or INFA-SESSION-ID> { "targetConnectionType": "Advanced SFTP V2", "srcDirectoryPath": "C:\\docstoreLocal2", "tgtDirectoryPath": "C:\\server\\userdata\\workspace", "srcFilePattern": ".*txt“ }
{ "projectId": 0, "timeTaken": 0, "queuePriority": 0, "runPriority": 0, "runMode": "UNKNOWN", "submitSourceId": -1, "correlationId": "OWMxOTc2YjktNzI4YS00Mm", "runModeInteractive": false, "runModeBatch": false, "runModeDebug": false, "runModeUnknown": true, "formattedTimeTaken": "0.00", "id": 1000000000384, "runId": 385 }