Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
  3. Platform REST API version 2 resources
  4. Platform REST API version 3 resources
  5. Data Integration REST API
  6. File Ingestion and Replication REST API
  7. Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
  8. Model Serve REST API
  9. RunAJob utility
  10. ParamSetCli utility
  11. REST API codes
  12. REST API resource quick references

REST API Reference

REST API Reference



Use the objects resource to get a list of an organization's assets. You might use this resource to find assets to export.
You can also use this resource to find object dependencies for an asset.
This resource uses a dynamic rate limit. When the system experiences a large volume or size of requests, responses might be slow or fail with the error message, "too many requests."


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