Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Cloud Integration Hub
  3. Hub administration
  4. Project and Asset Management
  5. Applications
  6. Topics
  7. Data Integration tasks
  8. File ingestion tasks
  9. Publications
  10. Subscriptions
  11. Tracking and monitoring
  12. Cloud Integration Hub REST APIs
  13. Glossary

Cloud Integration Hub

Cloud Integration Hub

File ingestion tasks rules and guidelines

File ingestion tasks rules and guidelines

When you develop file ingestion tasks to use in
Cloud Integration Hub
publications and subscriptions, consider the following rules and guidelines:
  • Verify that your organization has a valid
    Mass Ingestion
    Files license.
  • Don't run tasks that you create for
    Cloud Integration Hub
    from within
    Mass Ingestion
    . You must run the tasks from
    Cloud Integration Hub
    by running the publication or the subscription to which the task is associated.
  • The publication source must be a
    Mass Ingestion
    Files connection.
  • The publication target must be a
    Cloud Integration Hub
    connection type. Select
    Cloud Integration Hub
    as the connection.
  • The subscription source must be a
    Cloud Integration Hub
    connection type. Select
    Cloud Integration Hub
    as the connection.
  • The subscription target must be a
    Mass Ingestion
    Files connection.
    Only the file ingestion tasks that are configured with
    Cloud Integration Hub
    as connection can be used in the publication and subscription.
  • Cloud Integration Hub
    determines the scheduling of the publication or the subscription based on the settings that the operator defined for the publication or the subscription. When you create the file ingestion task, on the
    page of the task wizard, verify that the option
    Do not run this task on a schedule
    is selected.
  • Don't select
    Check File Stability
    when you create the file ingestion task, on the
    page of the task wizard.


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