Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Configuring the Data Director Application
  4. Establishing a Root Node
  5. Defining the Business Entity Model
  6. Configuring Business Entity Properties
  7. Configuring Reference Entity Properties
  8. Transforming Business Entities and Views
  9. Managing Many-to-Many Relationships
  10. Configuring Search
  11. Configuring Workflow Tasks and Triggers
  12. Configuring Security and Data Filters for Business Entities
  13. Integrating Data as a Service
  14. Configuring External Calls
  15. Designing the Data Director User Interface
  16. Localizing Data Director
  17. Provisioning Tool Frequently Asked Questions

GDPR Example

GDPR Example

Your organization has customers in the European Union and other countries. You must implement the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure that only EU data stewards have access to the records of European Union citizens. You have other data stewards who have access to the records of non-European Union citizens. In this example, the customer data includes a GDPR field.
The following table summarizes the requirements for role access based on the value of the GDPR field:
GDPR Value in Data
DataSteward-EU Role
DataSteward-NonEU Role
Allow access
Deny access
Deny access
Allow access
The following process outlines one way to implement the GDPR example:
  1. In the Hub Console, create the following user roles: DataSteward-EU and DataSteward-NonEU.
  2. Grant all permissions to each role for the Customer base object tables, child tables, lookup tables, and cleanse functions.
  3. In the Provisioning tool, open the Customer business entity.
  4. Create a field filter for the GDPR field.
  5. Create a deny rule, and set the value to true and the role to DataSteward-NonEU.
    This rule translates to "When GDPR is selected, don't allow the non-EU data stewards to access the records."
  6. In the Remaining Values rule, set the role to DataSteward-EU.
    This rule translate to "When GDPR is not selected, don't allow the EU data steward to access the records."
  7. Publish the changes.


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