Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Establishing a Root Node
  4. Defining the Business Entity Model
  5. Configuring Business Entity Properties
  6. Configuring Reference Entity Properties
  7. Transforming Business Entities and Views
  8. Managing Many-to-Many Relationships
  9. Configuring Search
  10. Configuring Workflow Tasks and Triggers
  11. Configuring Security and Data Filters for Business Entities
  12. Integrating Data as a Service
  13. Configuring External Calls
  14. Designing the Data Director User Interface
  15. Localizing Data Director
  16. Provisioning Tool Frequently Asked Questions

Configuring a Direct Transformation

Configuring a Direct Transformation

You can directly map data from a business entity field to a view field without changing the data.
  1. In the tree view, expand the folder for the transformation.
  2. Select
    , and then click
  3. In the properties pane, in the
    field, enter a name for the transformation.
  4. In the
    field, select
  5. In the
    Input Fields
    column, select the business entity fields that you want to map to the view.
  6. Optional: Enter a input constant in the
    field when the input field or output field are not defined.
  7. In the
    Output Fields
    column, select the view fields to which the business entity fields map.
  8. Click


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