You specify a bundle type when you create a bundle. The bundle type determines who can use the bundle and it also determines how the bundle is published.
You can create the following types of bundles:
Public bundles
A public bundle is available to all organizations and sub-organizations. When you create a public bundle, you submit the bundle to Informatica for approval. When the bundle is approved, Informatica makes the bundle available to all organizations.
Private bundles
A private bundle is available only to a parent organization and its sub-organizations. You create a private bundle in the parent organization and then publish the bundle to the sub-organizations. Published private bundles appear on the Add-On Bundles page for sub-organizations. Informatica does not review private bundles.
If a pushed bundle contains objects with changes that aren't compatible with existing sub-organization tasks, it might cause the sub-organization tasks to become invalid or be removed.
You can't create private bundles if the organization doesn't have any sub-organizations.
Unlisted bundles
An unlisted bundle is one where the bundle designer has configured to be used as a reference. Installing an unlisted bundle requires an access code.