You can view detailed metering statistics. To view the detailed statistics, in the dashboard view of the
page, click
Detail Chart
for the relevant graph.
Detailed metering statistics are available for the following meters:
Application Integration
Application Integration with Advanced Serverless
Catalog Records
CDI-E Compute Hours
Serverless CDI-E Compute Hours
Serverless CDI Compute Hours
Data Quality
Data Quality Elastic
Data Quality with Advanced Serverless
Data Quality Elastic with Advanced Serverless
Governance Records
Mass Ingestion Application
Mass Ingestion Applications - Change Data Capture
Mass Ingestion Database
Mass Ingestion Database - Change Data Capture
Mass Ingestion Files
Mass Ingestion Streaming
MDM Data Ingestion and Replication
PC2CDI Modernization Service Assessment
PC2CDI Modernization Service Conversion
The following image shows an example of the details page that shows the total usage for each runtime environment in the last 90 days:
You can customize the view in the following ways:
If your organization has sub-organizations, you can view usage details for the parent organization or for a sub-organization. You cannot view usage details for a deleted sub-organization.
You can change the grouping. For example, you can group by runtime environment to see total usage for each runtime environment or you can view the full table to see usage by date.
You can change the date range that defines the reporting period, such the current month, last month, last 90 days, or last 6 or 13 months.