Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introducing Administrator
  3. Organizations
  4. Metering
  5. General and security settings
  6. Permissions
  7. Schedules
  8. Bundle management
  9. Event monitoring
  10. Troubleshooting security
  11. Licenses

Organization Administration

Organization Administration

Secret names and formats

Secret names and formats

AWS Secrets Manager and Azure Key Vault enforce restrictions on secret names. HashiCorp vault requires that secrets use a different format based on the version of the secrets engine.
The following secrets managers have restrictions on secret names or formats:
AWS Secrets Manager
In AWS Secrets Manager, secret names can contain only alphanumeric characters and the following special characters:
/ _ + = . @ - "
Azure Key Vault
In Azure Key Vault, secret names can only contain alphanumeric characters and dashes.
HashiCorp Vault
In HashiCorp Vault, secrets must be in either of the following formats based on the secrets engine version:
  • Secrets engine v1:
  • Secrets engine v2:
Because a colon is used to separate the secret path from the key,
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
can't process keys that have a colon in the path.
For more information about restrictions on secret names and formats, see the documentation for your secrets manager.


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