Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introducing Administrator
  3. Organizations
  4. Metering
  5. General and security settings
  6. Permissions
  7. Schedules
  8. Bundle management
  9. Event monitoring
  10. Troubleshooting security
  11. Licenses

Organization Administration

Organization Administration

Source control configuration

Source control configuration

You can configure source control for your organization to enable version management for projects, folders, and assets. When you configure source control, you can store versions of objects in a cloud-hosted or on-premises Git repository. Configure source control on the
To use source control with
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
, you must have the appropriate licenses.
The following table lists the source control repositories that you can use:
Atlassian Bitbucket
Supported (see Note)
Microsoft Azure DevOps
You can use cloud-hosted Bitbucket repositories for
Data Integration
When you configure source control for an organization, users can apply source control to objects. Objects are not checked in automatically. Users can apply source control to individual assets or to all assets in a project or folder. For more information about applying source control to projects, folders, and assets, see the help system for the appropriate
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
When you configure source control, you configure the connection to a global source control repository for the organization. You can configure source control for your organization in the following ways:
Configure read/write access to the global source control repository.
When you configure read/write access, users in your organization can check in and check out objects, pull versions of objects, and revert objects to a previous version. Users must check out source-controlled objects to change them. Users check out objects exclusively, so one user cannot change an object that is checked out by another user. Users can change objects that are not source-controlled without checking them out.
You might want to configure read/write access for an organization in which you develop projects and assets.
Configure read-only access to the global source control repository.
When you configure read-only access, users in your organization can pull versions of source-controlled objects from the repository. However, users cannot check out or check in objects. Users can make changes to projects, folders, and assets in the organization without checking them out.
You might want to configure read-only access for a test or production organization so that users can test or run the latest versions of assets.
You can change the repository access type. However, to change from read/write to read-only, you must first ensure that no objects are checked out.
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
doesn't allow you to change the repository access type from read/write to read-only if any objects are checked out.
When you configure read-only access, users can overwrite source-controlled objects. For example, user John pulls the most recent version of a source-controlled mapping and changes it. If another user pulls any version of the mapping later, John's changes are lost. Configure object permissions and user privileges carefully to prevent users from accidentally overwriting source-controlled assets in your organization.
Enable project-level repositories
You can enable users to specify a branch in the global repository or a different repository for each project. Using different repository branches for your projects can enable parallel development and collaboration across teams in the organization.
You can change the repository URL. To do this, you must first unlink all source-controlled assets.
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
doesn't allow you to change the repository URL if any assets are source-controlled.
If you want to disable source control after you configure it, unlink all objects from source control and then disable source control for the organization.
You can unlink an object that's checked out by another user if you have the admin role or a user role with the Force Undo Checkout privilege.


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