If you are the administrator for a parent organization, you can disable or enable a sub-organization.
When you create a sub-organization, the sub-organization is enabled by default. You might want to disable a sub-organization if you have a separate license agreement with the sub-organization and the license agreement expires. You can re-enable the sub-organization after you disable it.
You can disable or enable a sub-organization even if the sub-organization administrator blocks parent organization access to the sub-organization.
You can perform the following actions:
Disable a sub-organization
When you disable a sub-organization, the organization exists, but sub-organization users cannot log in to the sub-organization or access it through the REST API. Scheduled jobs in the sub-organization do not run.
When you enable a sub-organization, sub-organization users can log in to the sub-organization and access assets and perform tasks based on their user roles. Users with the appropriate privileges can access the sub-organization through the REST API. Scheduled jobs resume according to their schedules.