If a service that supports rolling upgrades encounters an error during an upgrade, you can specify whether to continue or stop upgrading the service. Configure the error handling behavior on the
You can select either of the following options:
In case of error, flag error and continue with upgrade
If an error occurs while a service is being upgraded, the service stops with an error on the agent in which it encountered the error. The upgrade then continues on the other agents within the group.
If you enable this option and the error occurs on all agents in the group, the service stops running on the Secure Agent group. This can cause job interruptions.
In case of error, stop upgrade
If an error occurs while a service is being upgraded, the service stops with an error on the agent in which it encountered the error. Upgrade of the service stops for all other agents in the group that have not already been upgraded. The agents that have not been upgraded continue to run the previous version of the service.
This is the default option.
To configure the error handling behavior, click
in the Upgrade Settings for Secure Agent Services area, select the appropriate option, and click