Data Profiling
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| Value
Runtime Environment
| Name of the runtime environment where you want to run the tasks. Specify a Secure Agent or serverless runtime environment.
You cannot run a database ingestion task on a serverless runtime environment.
| Enter the user name for the Amazon Redshift account.
| Enter the password for the Amazon Redshift account.
Access Key ID
| Access key to access the Amazon S3 bucket. Provide the access key value based on the following authentication methods:
Secret Access Key
| Secret access key to access the Amazon S3 bucket. The secret key is associated with the access key and uniquely identifies the account. Provide the access key value based on the following authentication methods:
¹ IAM Role ARN
| The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the IAM role assumed by the user to use the dynamically generated temporary security credentials. Set the value of this property if you want to use the temporary security credentials to access the AWS resources.You cannot use the temporary security credentials in streaming ingestion tasks.
For more information about how to obtain the ARN of the IAM role, see the AWS documentation.
¹ External Id
| Optional. Specify the external ID for a more secure access to the Amazon S3 bucket when the Amazon S3 bucket is in a different AWS account.
¹ Use EC2 Role to Assume Role
| Optional. Select the check box to enable the EC2 role to assume another IAM role specified in the IAM Role ARN option.
The EC2 role must have a policy attached with a permission to assume an IAM role from the same or different account.
¹ Master Symmetric Key
| Optional. Provide a 256-bit AES encryption key in the Base64 format when you enable client-side encryption. You can generate a key using a third-party tool.
| The URL of the Amazon Redshift V2 connection. Enter the JDBC URL in the following format:
¹ Cluster Region
| Optional. The AWS cluster region in which the bucket you want to access resides. Select a cluster region if you choose to provide a custom JDBC URL that does not contain a cluster region name in the JDBC URL connection property.If you specify a cluster region in both Cluster Region and JDBC URL connection properties, the Secure Agent ignores the cluster region that you specify in the JDBC URL connection property.To use the cluster region name that you specify in the JDBC URL connection property, select None as the cluster region in this property.Select one of the following cluster regions:
¹ Customer Master Key ID
| Optional. Specify the customer master key ID generated by AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) or the ARN of your custom key for cross-account access.
Cross-account access is not applicable to an advanced cluster.
¹Does not apply to version 2021.07.M