When you enable message recovery for a real-time session, the Integration Service can recover unprocessed messages from a failed session. The Integration Service stores source messages or message IDs in a recovery file, recovery table, recovery queue, or recovery topic. If the session fails, run the session in recovery mode to recover the messages the Integration Service did not process.
Depending on the real-time source and the target type, the messages or message IDs are stored in the following storage types:
Recovery file.
Messages or message IDs are stored in a designated local recovery file. A session with a real-time source and a non-relational or non-queue target uses the recovery file.
Recovery table.
Message IDs are stored in a recovery table in the target database. A session with a JMS or WebSphere MQ source and a relational target uses the recovery table.
Recovery queue and recovery topic.
Message IDs are stored in a recovery queue or recovery topic. A session with a JMS or WebSphere MQ source and a JMS or WebSphere MQ target uses the recovery queue. A session with a JMS or WebSphere MQ source and a topic target uses the recovery topic.
A session can use a combination of the storage types. For example, a session with a JMS and TIBCO source uses a recovery file and recovery table.
When you recover a real-time session, the Integration Service restores the state of operation from the point of interruption. It reads and processes the messages in the recovery file, recovery table, recovery queue, or recovery topic. Then, it ends the session.
During recovery, the terminating conditions do not affect the messages the Integration Service reads from the recovery file, recovery table, recovery queue, or recovery topic. For example, if you specified message count and idle time for the session, the conditions apply to the messages the Integration Service reads from the source, not the recovery file, recovery table, recovery queue, or recovery topic.
In addition to the storage types above, the Integration Service uses a recovery ignore list if the session fails under certain conditions.
Sessions with MSMQ sources, web service messages, or change data from a PowerExchange change data capture source use a different recovery strategy.