Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding Pipeline Partitioning
  3. Partition Points
  4. Partition Types
  5. Pushdown Optimization
  6. Pushdown Optimization and Transformations
  7. Real-time Processing
  8. Commit Points
  9. Row Error Logging
  10. Workflow Recovery
  11. Stopping and Aborting
  12. Concurrent Workflows
  13. Grid Processing
  14. Load Balancer
  15. Workflow Variables
  16. Parameters and Variables in Sessions
  17. Parameter Files
  18. FastExport
  19. External Loading
  20. FTP
  21. Session Caches
  22. Incremental Aggregation
  23. Session Log Interface
  24. Understanding Buffer Memory
  25. High Precision Data

Advanced Workflow Guide

Advanced Workflow Guide

Naming Convention for Cache Files

Naming Convention for Cache Files

The Integration Service uses the different naming conventions for index, data, and sorter cache files.
The following table describes the naming convention for each type of cache file:
Cache Files
Naming Convention
Data and sorter
[<Name Prefix> | <prefix> <session ID>_<transformation ID>]_[partition index]_[OS][BIT].<suffix> [overflow index]
<prefix> <session id>_<transformation id>_<group id>_<key type>.<suffix> <overflow>
The following table describes the components of the cache file names:
File Name Component
Name Prefix
Cache file name prefix configured in the Lookup transformation. For Lookup transformation cache file.
Describes the type of transformation:
  • Aggregator transformation is PMAGG.
  • Joiner transformation is PMJNR.
  • Lookup transformation is PMLKUP.
  • Rank transformation is PMAGG.
  • Sorter transformation is PMSORT.
  • XML target is PMXML.
Session ID
Session instance ID number.
Transformation ID
Transformation instance ID number.
Group ID
ID for each group in a hierarchical XML target. The Integration Service creates one index cache for each group. For XML target cache file.
Key Type
Type of key. Can be foreign key or primary key. For XML target cache file.
Partition Index
If the session contains more than one partition, this identifies the partition number. The partition index is zero-based, so the first partition has no partition index. Partition index 2 indicates a cache file created in the third partition.
Identifies the operating system of the machine running the Integration Service process:
  • W is Windows.
  • S is Solaris.
  • A is AIX.
  • L is Linux.
  • M is Mainframe.
For Lookup transformation cache file.
Identifies the bit platform of the machine running the Integration Service process: 32-bit or 64-bit. For Lookup transformation cache file.
Identifies the type of cache file:
  • Index cache file is .idx0 for the header file and .idx
    for the data files.
  • Data cache file is .dat0 for the header file and .dat
    for the data files.
  • Sorter cache file is .PMSORT().
Overflow Index
If a cache file handles more than 2 GB of data, the Integration Service creates more cache files. When creating these files, the Integration Service appends an overflow index to the file name, such as PMAGG*.idx2 and PMAGG*.idx3. The number of cache files is limited by the amount of disk space available in the cache directory.
When the Sorter transformation cache file handles more than 2 GB of data, the PowerCenter Integration Service does not create more cache files.
For example, the name of the data file for the index cache is PMLKUP748_2_5S32.idx1. PMLKUP identifies the transformation type as Lookup, 748 is the session ID, 2 is the transformation ID, 5 is the partition index, S (Solaris) is the operating system, and 32 is the bit platform.

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