Cache Files
| Naming Convention
Data and sorter
| [<Name Prefix> | <prefix> <session ID>_<transformation ID>]_[partition index]_[OS][BIT].<suffix> [overflow index]
| <prefix> <session id>_<transformation id>_<group id>_<key type>.<suffix> <overflow>
File Name Component
| Description
Name Prefix
| Cache file name prefix configured in the Lookup transformation. For Lookup transformation cache file.
| Describes the type of transformation:
Session ID
| Session instance ID number.
Transformation ID
| Transformation instance ID number.
Group ID
| ID for each group in a hierarchical XML target. The Integration Service creates one index cache for each group. For XML target cache file.
Key Type
| Type of key. Can be foreign key or primary key. For XML target cache file.
Partition Index
| If the session contains more than one partition, this identifies the partition number. The partition index is zero-based, so the first partition has no partition index. Partition index 2 indicates a cache file created in the third partition.
| Identifies the operating system of the machine running the Integration Service process:
For Lookup transformation cache file.
| Identifies the bit platform of the machine running the Integration Service process: 32-bit or 64-bit. For Lookup transformation cache file.
| Identifies the type of cache file:
Overflow Index
| If a cache file handles more than 2 GB of data, the Integration Service creates more cache files. When creating these files, the Integration Service appends an overflow index to the file name, such as PMAGG*.idx2 and PMAGG*.idx3. The number of cache files is limited by the amount of disk space available in the cache directory.
When the Sorter transformation cache file handles more than 2 GB of data, the PowerCenter Integration Service does not create more cache files.