Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding Pipeline Partitioning
  3. Partition Points
  4. Partition Types
  5. Pushdown Optimization
  6. Pushdown Optimization and Transformations
  7. Real-time Processing
  8. Commit Points
  9. Row Error Logging
  10. Workflow Recovery
  11. Stopping and Aborting
  12. Concurrent Workflows
  13. Grid Processing
  14. Load Balancer
  15. Workflow Variables
  16. Parameters and Variables in Sessions
  17. Parameter Files
  18. FastExport
  19. External Loading
  20. FTP
  21. Session Caches
  22. Incremental Aggregation
  23. Session Log Interface
  24. Understanding Buffer Memory
  25. High Precision Data

Advanced Workflow Guide

Advanced Workflow Guide

Integration Service Handling for Session Failure

Integration Service Handling for Session Failure

The Integration Service handles session errors in different ways, depending on the error or event that causes the session to fail.
The following table describes the Integration Service behavior when a session fails:
Cause for Session Errors
Integration Service Behavior
  • Error threshold met due to reader errors
  • Stop command using Workflow Manager or
Integration Service performs the following tasks:
  • Stops reading.
  • Continues processing data.
  • Continues writing and committing data to targets.
If the Integration Service cannot finish processing and committing data, you need to issue the Abort command to stop the session.
Abort command using Workflow Manager
Integration Service performs the following tasks:
  • Stops reading.
  • Continues processing data.
  • Continues writing and committing data to targets.
If the Integration Service cannot finish processing and committing data within 60 seconds, it kills the DTM process and terminates the session.
  • Fatal error from database
  • Error threshold met due to writer errors
Integration Service performs the following tasks:
  • Stops reading and writing.
  • Rolls back all data not committed to the target database.
If the session stops due to fatal error, the commit or rollback may or may not be successful.
  • Error threshold met due to transformation errors
  • ABORT( )
  • Invalid evaluation of transaction control expression
Integration Service performs the following tasks:
  • Stops reading.
  • Flags the row as an abort row and continues processing data.
  • Continues to write to the target database until it hits the abort row.
  • Issues commits based on commit intervals.
  • Rolls back all data not committed to the target database.

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