| Incremental Recovery
| Full Recovery
Commit type | The session uses a source-based commit. The mapping does not contain any transformation that generates commits. | The session uses a target-based commit or user-defined commit. |
Transformation Scope | Transformations propagate transactions and the transformation scope must be Transaction or Row. | At least one transformation is configured with the All transformation scope. |
File Source | A file source supports incremental reads. | n/a |
FTP Source | The FTP server must support the seek operation to allow incremental reads. | The FTP server does not support the seek operation. |
Relational Source | A relational source supports incremental reads when the output is deterministic and repeatable. If the output is not deterministic and repeatable, the Integration Service supports incremental relational source reads by staging SQL results to a storage file. | n/a |
VSAM Source | n/a | Integration Service performs full recovery. |
XML Source | n/a | Integration Service performs full recovery. |
XML Generator Transformation | An XML Generator transformation must be configured with Transaction transformation scope. | n/a |
XML Target | An XML target must be configured to generate a new XML document on commit. | n/a |