Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding the Repository
  3. Using the Repository Manager
  4. Folders
  5. Managing Object Permissions
  6. Local and Global Shortcuts
  7. Team-Based Development with Versioned Objects
  8. Labels
  9. Object Queries
  10. Team-Based Development with Deployment Groups
  11. Copying Folders and Deployment Groups
  12. Exporting and Importing Objects
  13. Exchanging Metadata
  14. Copying Objects
  15. Metadata Extensions
  16. MX Views Reference
  17. PowerCenter Reports Reference

Repository Guide

Repository Guide

Exporting and Importing Parent Objects

Exporting and Importing Parent Objects

You can choose to export a parent object with or without its dependent child objects. You might want to export and import an object without its dependent objects if you change a workflow property, such as a workflow variable, but you did not change any task in the workflow.
You can choose the export options in the Export Options dialog box.
The following table describes the options in the Export Options dialog box:
Export Option
Export Primary Key Tables When Exporting Sources/Targets with Foreign Keys
When you export a source or target containing a foreign key, the PowerCenter Client exports the source or target containing the primary key.
Export Original Object Referred by the Shortcut When Exporting Shortcuts
When you export a shortcut, the PowerCenter Client exports the actual object referenced by the shortcut.
Export Reusable Objects Used by Objects Being Exported
When you export a mapping, mapplet, worklet, or workflow, the PowerCenter Client exports all reusable objects used by the parent object.
For example, the PowerCenter Client exports all sources, targets, and reusable transformations when you export a mapping.
Export Non-Reusable Objects Used by Objects Being Exported
When you export a mapping, mapplet, worklet, or workflow, the PowerCenter Client exports all non-reusable objects used by the parent object.
For example, the PowerCenter Client exports all non-reusable transformations for a mapping or mapplet, and all non-reusable tasks for a worklet or workflow.
To access the Export Options dialog box, click the Advanced Options link in the Export dialog box when you export objects.
When you export an object with its dependent child objects, the PowerCenter Client exports the metadata for the parent object and the dependent objects. When you export an object without its dependent objects, the PowerCenter Client exports the metadata for the object, but does not export metadata for the dependent objects. However, the object you export still references the dependent objects even though they do not exist in the XML file.
When you import an object that uses dependent objects, the results differ depending on whether the dependent objects exist in the XML file:
  • Dependent objects exist in XML file.
    When you import an object, the PowerCenter Client imports all dependent objects. For example, you export a mapping including its dependent objects. When you import the mapping, the PowerCenter Client imports all objects used by the mapping, such as the sources.
  • Dependent objects do not exist in XML file.
    When you import an object, the PowerCenter Client looks for an object in the destination folder with the same name. If the PowerCenter Client finds an object with the same name, it uses the object in the destination folder. If the PowerCenter Client does not find an object with the same name, it does not import the object.
    For example, you create a workflow with multiple worklets, sessions, and tasks. You change the link condition between two tasks. You want to update the link condition when you import the workflow into a different folder. Export the workflow and do not export the reusable and non-reusable tasks. When you import the workflow, the PowerCenter Client imports the workflow metadata. The PowerCenter Client uses the worklets, sessions, and tasks that exist in the destination folder.


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