Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding the Repository
  3. Using the Repository Manager
  4. Folders
  5. Managing Object Permissions
  6. Local and Global Shortcuts
  7. Team-Based Development with Versioned Objects
  8. Labels
  9. Object Queries
  10. Team-Based Development with Deployment Groups
  11. Copying Folders and Deployment Groups
  12. Exporting and Importing Objects
  13. Exchanging Metadata
  14. Copying Objects
  15. Metadata Extensions
  16. MX Views Reference
  17. PowerCenter Reports Reference

Repository Guide

Repository Guide

Performing Keyword Searches

Performing Keyword Searches

After you add keywords to target definitions, use them to perform searches in the Repository Manager.
To search for targets containing a keyword:
  1. In the Repository Manager, connect to a repository.
  2. Click Analyze > Search by Target Keyword.
    The Search Target Tables For Keyword dialog box appears.
    You can enter a keyword, or you can select one from the list of all keywords applied to target definitions in the repository.
  3. If you want to select a keyword, click List Keywords, select a keyword, and then click OK.
    You can also enter a keyword in the Keyword field.
  4. Select the options you want to use in the search:
    Exact Match
    If selected, the Repository Manager looks for the entire keyword entered. If cleared, the Repository Manager looks for keywords that contain the keyword entered. For example, if you enter REPOS without selecting the Exact Match option, the search would return a keyword match for REPOSITORY.
    Ignore Case
    If selected, the Repository Manager does not try to match the case of the keyword entered. Otherwise, the keyword search is case sensitive.
  5. Click OK.
    The Repository Manager searches for matching keywords in all target definitions in the repository. A list of matching keywords appears at the bottom of the Repository Manager window.


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