Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding the Repository
  3. Using the Repository Manager
  4. Folders
  5. Managing Object Permissions
  6. Local and Global Shortcuts
  7. Team-Based Development with Versioned Objects
  8. Labels
  9. Object Queries
  10. Team-Based Development with Deployment Groups
  11. Copying Folders and Deployment Groups
  12. Exporting and Importing Objects
  13. Exchanging Metadata
  14. Copying Objects
  15. Metadata Extensions
  16. MX Views Reference
  17. PowerCenter Reports Reference

Repository Guide

Repository Guide

Validating Multiple Objects

Validating Multiple Objects

You can validate multiple objects in the repository without fetching them into the workspace. You can save and optionally check in objects that change from invalid to valid status as a result of the validation. You can validate sessions, mappings, mapplets, workflows, and worklets.
You can select objects to validate from the Navigator window of the Repository Manager. You can also select objects from query results or an object dependencies list. If you select objects from the Navigator, you must select objects of the same type in the same folder. If you select objects from query results or an object dependencies list, you can choose different types of objects to validate.
To validate multiple objects:
  1. Select the objects you want to validate.
  2. Initiate the validation.
    If you select objects from query results or a list view, you must right-click one of the selected objects and select Validate. If you are selecting objects from the Navigator, you can also click Tools > Validate to initiate a validation. The Validate Objects dialog box appears.
  3. Select validation options from the Validate Objects dialog box:
    • Save validated objects.
      If you do not choose to save the objects in the repository, the validation just provides a report.
    • Choose whether to check in validated objects.
      You can check in valid objects. You can select this option if you have selected the Save Objects that Are Successfully Made Valid option and versioning is enabled in the repository.
    • Check in comments.
      If you are checking in validated objects, you must enter check-in comments. Otherwise, this option is disabled.
  4. Click Validate.
    The validation displays status in a progress dialog box. The output window shows the status of each object being validated. You can cancel the validation from the progress dialog box. If you cancel, you do not cancel the current operation, but you cancel the remaining operations in the validation.
    The Validate Objects results box appears when validation completes. Use the results box to determine how many objects were validated and saved. To view the objects in each total, click the link.
    The following table describes the information that appears in the Validate Objects window:
    Objects Provided for Validation
    Total number of objects that you selected to validate. The total includes skipped objects.
    Skipped Objects
    Number of the following types of objects:
    • Objects that do not require validation, such as sources, targets, transformations, and shortcuts.
    • Objects that cannot be fetched, such as a deleted mapping associated with a session being validated.
    Objects that Were Invalid Before the Validation
    Number of invalid objects provided for validation.
    Objects Successfully Validated
    Number of selected objects that are valid.
    Objects Still Invalid
    Number of objects that require fixing or editing.
    Saved/Checked In
    Total number of objects saved. If you do not choose the Save Objects or Check In Objects options, this number is zero.
    Cannot Save Objects Due to Lock Conflict
    Number of validated objects you cannot save because someone has them locked.
  5. Click a link to view the objects in the results group.
    Validation results that include objects provide links to the object details. When you click the link, a window displays each object in the results group you select.


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