Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding the Repository
  3. Using the Repository Manager
  4. Folders
  5. Managing Object Permissions
  6. Local and Global Shortcuts
  7. Team-Based Development with Versioned Objects
  8. Labels
  9. Object Queries
  10. Team-Based Development with Deployment Groups
  11. Copying Folders and Deployment Groups
  12. Exporting and Importing Objects
  13. Exchanging Metadata
  14. Copying Objects
  15. Metadata Extensions
  16. MX Views Reference
  17. PowerCenter Reports Reference

Repository Guide

Repository Guide

Managing Object Permissions Overview

Managing Object Permissions Overview

Permissions control the level of access a user has to an object. In the PowerCenter Client, you can assign permissions on folders and global objects. Global objects include object queries, deployment groups, labels, and connection objects. You can assign the following permissions to users and groups in the repository:
  • Read permission.
    You can view the folder and objects.
  • Write permission.
    You can create or edit objects in a folder, maintain object queries or labels, or add or delete objects from deployment groups.
  • Execute permission.
    You can run or schedule a workflow in the folder, run object queries, apply labels, or copy deployment groups.
When you create a folder or global object, it is created with one user and one default group:
  • The user who creates the object is the owner and has read, write, and execute permissions. You can change the owner, but you cannot change the permissions for the owner.
  • The default group represents the minimum level of permissions you can assign to any user or group. It displays as “Others” and is created with read permissions. You can grant write and execute permission to the default group. The permissions assigned to the default group are the default permissions that each user and group receives when added to the object user list.
Permissions work in conjunction with privileges. Privileges are actions that a user performs in PowerCenter applications. A user with the privilege to perform certain actions can require permissions to perform the action on a particular object.


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