Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Prepare to Install Data Validation Option
  3. Install Data Validation Option
  4. Configure Data Validation Option
  5. Configuring Multiple Environments
  6. Upgrade Data Validation Option
  7. Install DVOcmd on UNIX
  8. Appendix A: Installation and Configuration Checklist

Data Validation Option Installation and Configuration Guide

Data Validation Option Installation and Configuration Guide

Adding Repositories of Multiple PowerCenter Versions

Adding Repositories of Multiple PowerCenter Versions

If the target repository is in a previous PowerCenter version, you need to modify the domains.infa file.
  1. Copy the domains.infa file from the
    <PowerCenter Client installation directory>\clients\PowerCenterClient\
    to the location you want, for example C:\DVO\domains.infa.
  2. Use a text editor to modify the copied domains.infa file.
  3. Copy the following lines of code from the domains.infa file of an earlier PowerCenter version:.
    <vector xsi:type="domainservice:Portals" objVersion="1.0.0"><domainName>$DomainName</domainName><address xsi:type="metadata:NodeRef" objVersion="1.0.0"><host>$HostName</host><port>6005</port></address></vector>
    Place the lines before the
  4. Save the domains.infa file. Ensure that you do not change the name of the file.
  5. Update either the INFA_HOME or INFA_DOMAINS_FILE environment variable with the location of the modified domains.infa file, that is C:\DVO\domains.infa, and launch the Data Validation Client.
  6. Test the connection with target repository as the current version and the secondary repository as an earlier version.


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