PowerExchange can write messages to several locations. If you want to redirect specific messages to locations other than the default location, you can define a DTLMSG file that contains message destination override statements.
Messages can be written to the following override destinations:
PowerExchange log file (DTLLOG or detail.log) or an alternative log file
Standard output (stdout)
z/OS or i5/OS system operator console
The ability to redirect messages to destinations other than the default location is useful when you need to enable automation or adhere to installation-specific output handling standards. Usually, message destination overrides are defined for only a small number of messages.
Also, in the DTLMSG file, you can suppress specific messages so that they are not written to any location. Before you do so, consider the implications of suppressing particular messages.
To configure message destination overrides, create a file called DTLMSGO at one of the following locations:
On z/OS, a sample DTLMSGO member is provided in the RUNLIB library. You can copy and customize this member, or create a sequential data set and define the message destination override statements in this data set. In the JCL for tasks and jobs that produce messages with message destination overrides, add a DTLMSGO DD statement that points to the customized DTLMSGO member or sequential data set.
On i5/OS, the DTLMSGO member resides in the
/DTLMSG file.
On Linux, UNIX, and Windows, the dtlmsgo.txt file resides in the PowerExchange base installation directory. A sample file, called dtlmsgo_sample.txt, is provided in that directory.
In the DTLMSGO file, specify message destination override statements. A message override statement includes the message number followed by one or more message destination options. The message number must exist in the DTLMSG file (i5/OS or z/OS) or dtlmsg.txt file (Linux, UNIX, or Windows).
On z/OS, PowerExchange can issue messages other than those in the DTLMSG file. The message destination overrides do not apply to these messages. These messages are issued by the following PowerExchange components using the EDMMSG DD statement:
PowerExchange Agent (a small number of messages are issued from the DTLMSG file)
PowerExchange Logger
Log-Read API and Log-Write API
Environmental Change Capture Routines (ECCRs), including the batch VSAM, CICS/VSAM, DB2 for z/OS, and IMS synchronous ECCRs