Rules and Guidelines for Multi-Group Transformations
Rules and Guidelines for Multi-Group Transformations
When you connect transformations in a mapping, you must consider some rules and guidelines for connecting multi-group transformations.
Consider the following rules and guidelines for multi-group transformations:
You can connect one group to one transformation or target.
You can connect one or more output ports in a group to multiple transformations or targets.
You cannot connect fields from multiple output groups in a transformation to the same input group of another transformation.
You cannot connect fields from multiple output groups in different transformations to the same input group of another transformation unless each transformation between the source and the transformation are passive transformations.
You cannot connect fields from multiple output groups in a transformation to the same input group of another transformation, unless the other transformation is a blocking transformation.
You cannot connect an output field to multiple input fields in the same input group, unless the group is in a Normalizer transformation.