You can configure a parameter for the Lookup source in a nonreusable Lookup transformation.
To parameterize a data object, choose
Specify by Parameter
in the
Data Object
tab. The properties in the
Data Object
tab change.
To parameterize the data object, create a resource type parameter or browse for a resource parameter that you already created. The parameter default value is the name of physical data object in the Model repository. When you create a default parameter value, you select a physical data object name from a list of data objects in the repository.
The following image shows the
Data Object
tab when you specify the data object by a parameter:
Data Object
tab has the following options by parameter:
The name of a resource parameter that you configured as the data object. Read-only.
The description of the parameter. Read-only.
Create a resource parameter. Browse for and select a data object in the Model repository for the parameter default value.
Browse for a resource parameter and select the parameter.
Default value
The default value of the resource parameter that you configured for the data object. The default value is a physical data object name and the path to the object in the Model repository. Read-only.